We partner with various mission organisations so that you can connect with them and start your missionary journey. Get in contact with them, ask questions and they will be more than happy to chat with you and provide you some guidance in your journey.


AZTEM: To encourage and facilitate Australian Christians, with marketable skills, to live and witness for Christ in cross-cultural situations, and/or among people who have no easy access to the Gospel. The ultimate aim is to see indigenous churches planted and/or the national church strengthened.

While many other organisations focus on holistic mission, CMS’s priority is proclaiming the gospel. While most of our missionaries are involved with activities that help improve life for people on-location from time to time, our focus is on cross-cultural, long-term gospel proclamation. Long-term mission is so important, because we have found that long-term workers get to be well-known in an area and that’s when momentum starts to build. We are Bible-based, focused on high-level training, spiritual and theological training. CMS has a history of 220 years, founded by great Christian forefathers like William Wilberforce. And our mission has not changed: we have always wanted to see A World That Knows Jesus.

Eastern College Australia

Eastern College Australia provides teaching, training and research from a Christian world view that contributes to the church and the flourishing of humanity through the lives of its graduates.

Hellenic Ministry: The Eastern Mediterranean is a place where worlds continuously collide. Hellenic Ministries’ mission is to cultivate Christ-centred community and help build God’s kingdom in Greece through evangelism, discipleship, and the provision of relief, healthcare, education and marketplace training. Christ for Greece and the nations!

For almost 80 years, Mission Aviation Fellowship have been flying light aircraft to reach inaccessible communities cut off by geographical barriers such as jungles, mountains, swamps and deserts, or isolated by conflict. We serve The Church and communities in more than 24 countries, where flying is not a luxury, but a lifeline. We aim to mirror the love of Jesus in everything we do. He cared for people physically and spiritually, meeting the needs of people around Him, regardless of who they were.


Melbourne School of Theology (MST), is a non-denominational Bible college, based in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Since 1920, MST has been passionate about training those with a heart for ministry and mission with a solid Biblical grounding in God’s Word. MST also offers practical experience in ministry, working closely with local churches, mission and para-church organisations.

OM Australia

We (OM Australia) desire to see vibrant communities of Jesus followers amongst the least reached. Over 3000 unique people groups have never heard about Jesus, ever. Our passion is that they would hear of His fame and renown. Our ministries in over 110 countries and onboard our ship, Logos Hope, focus on: evangelism, church planting, relief & development, justice & discipleship.

OMF Australia

We are OMF International (formerly the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship), founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865. East Asia is home to many of the world’s largest unreached people groups. From densely populated cities to highland villages, there are billions in Asia still waiting to hear about the good news of Jesus Christ. We are looking for people to pioneer in new areas, persevere with us in the tough places, and partner with us to see culturally sensitive, biblical church movements in each people group of East Asia. Build relationships, share the gospel, and model a life of following Christ as Lord and Saviour in East Asia.

One Mission

One Mission Society exists for one purpose: to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world, disciples made, and to see God glorified in all that we say and do – to fulfil the Great Commission. Ministries include church planting, discipleship, human trafficking prevention, compassion work, and more.

People International

People International is an interdenominational Christian organisation, whose vision is to see churches established that proclaim the Good News among the Muslim peoples of Central Asia.

Pioneers Australia

Pioneers mobilises teams to glorify God amongst unreached peoples by initiating church planting movements in partnership with local churches. We do all we can to help local churches prepare, send, and nurture cross-cultural gospel-bearers to serve unreached peoples of the world. Our aim is to assist those workers throughout their entire mission experience. We cast vision, mentor inquirers, facilitate speciality training, disciple members, encourage life-long learning, provide pastoral care, and deliver expert financial accountability.

Prepare the Way is Teams of 3 to 5 mission agencies who support a Harvest Mentor, offering free mentoring to those who sense God may be leading them into mission service. We have Harvest Mentors around Australia working collaboratively with various mission agencies. In Melbourne we work with ECM (European Christian Mission), WEC (World Evangelisation for Christ) and SIM (Serving in Missions).

Ridley College

Ridley College welcomes students from many different backgrounds and traditions. We equip people for Christian service in the church and in the world through world class theological training on campus and online.

SIM Serving In Mission

Are you convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God’s good news? SIM is, and this conviction compels us to make disciples in communities around the world where He is least known. Join our 4000+ workers serving in more than 70 countries across the globe and be an integral part of seeing Christ made known.


Worldview offers a cross-cultural mission learning experience like no other. The content of our courses is prepared and delivered by specialists in the field. Our students come from all around the world. And the residential context for our learning community delivers multi-cultural life right to your door.

World Outreach

World Outreach is a missions agency, which means we’re a ministry organisation that exists to facilitate Christian missionary endeavour. This includes things like: evangelism, discipleship, church planting, community development, and humanitarian aid.

Wycliffe Bible Translators

Imagine not having a Bible in a language you can understand. Can’t imagine it? At Wycliffe Bible Translators, we can’t imagine it either. And we want to do something about the 1636 languages that still do not have a single verse of Scripture in their heart language. Will you join us?